Our Why

Mental health is incredibly important, yet many people avoid addressing it. People live their whole lives afraid of their feelings, never taking the time to understand them. This isn't the way to live. Our mind is our constant companion. Ignoring it only leads to regrets. While a lot of things in this world are out of our control, we can control how we respond. It's important to embrace your mental health, both the highs and the lows, and use it to live a life you're proud of.

Everyone deals with mental health differently. For me, it's always been basketball. When I'm on the court, nothing else matters. I'm fully immersed and engaged, doing something that is challenging but fulfilling, and I truly believe that's the best possible form of therapy. I think it's important for everyone to find something they love, something they can immerse themselves in.

Some might ask, "What's the point if we're just going to struggle anyways?" But that's exactly the point. Life gives us the privilege to experience both beauty and pain. It is what makes life special. Our best ideas, friendships, and accomplishments would not be what they are without the challenges we had to overcome. Mental health struggles are not enemies but integral parts of our journey.

My goal with Minutes is to help people acknowledge and accept their mental health. Whether you're a basketball player, artist, or student, remember that every minute counts. Our clothing serves as a reminder to cherish each moment. When you're on the verge of your limit, remember that life isn't guaranteed, and everything you're doing is worth it.

I'm not suggesting recklessness. Embrace the certainty of life's end to motivate yourself towards your highest potential. Live with purpose and passion, and leave a legacy that inspires others.

Next time you're working hard, remember to make every minute count. You're doing this to live a better life and become the greatest you can be. Mental health is a part of life; make the most of the time you have here.